LIULIULIU Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a one-stop e-commerce service company that entered the industry in 2012, making it one of the earliest e-commerce incubation enterprises in China. Adhering to the business philosophy of "Customer first" the company has received widespread praise from customers and platforms for its excellent service results, becoming one of the most influential one-stop e-commerce service providers in the country.
Online consultation4月15日,商务部电子商务司副司长蔡裕东一行赴浙江调研。浙江省商务厅一级巡视员徐高春、省商务厅电商处副处长李新等领导陪同走访了网易严选和国贸数字等单位,浙江省电商促进会相关负责人跟随实地考察了全球数字营销创新中心。